Easily export your data from MyInvoiceHub to share with stakeholders or store information using your company's filing standards.
Exporting Your Invoice
Select your invoices using the checkboxes to the left of the invoice table. You can select them individually or select the checkbox at the top left to select all.
βClick the 'Export' button at the top of the table.
3. The 'Export Full Invoice' window will pop up and from here you can choose to:
Export the Full Invoice or use a Template
Export as a CSV or PDF
Use Custom Columns to select which columns you want to export
Selecting Custom Columns
1. If you're using Custom Columns, check the associated column headers you want selected for your custom export.
2. While selecting invoice columns for your custom export, you can rearrange the order of selected columns by dragging the column header to your desired position.
Creating Custom Templates
If you want to save your custom configuration for future use, select the 'Save as Template' checkbox and enter a name to create your template. Your template is automatically saved when you click the export button.
The next time you want to use your custom template, select the 'Templates' option. Any adjustments you make to the custom columns in that template will be saved when you export.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I change the name of the column header?
A: Not at this time but we're working on this!
Q: Will other users be able to access my templates?
A: Yes, all templates are visible across all users under the same account.
Q: What happened to 'Remittance'?
A: Remittance has now been replaced with the Export feature.