Please Note: All requests regarding downgrading, cancelling, or pausing your subscription need to be directed to your Customer Success Advisor. You can also contact our support team at [email protected].
The requested subscription changes will take effect upon the next renewal date following your conversation with your CSA or Support.
Pausing Your Subscription
If you wish to pause your subscription, your plan will be moved to a Free plan upon your next renewal date. You can then upgrade to your desired subscription plan at any time.
Downgrading Your Subscription
You may downgrade your subscription from a paid plan (i.e. Starter or Professional) to a Free plan at any time during the subscription period. The downgrade will take effect at your next renewal date.
Cancelling Your Subscription
You can cancel your subscription at any time during the subscription period. You'll retain access to your paid subscription functionality until your next renewal date. At that point, you will be moved to a Free plan. You can upgrade to a paid subscription plan at any time.