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Using the Shipments Table

How to filter, sort, and find information in the Shipments Table

Riana Upton avatar
Written by Riana Upton
Updated over a week ago

Our Shipments Table offers filter and sorting functionality that makes it easier to stay on top of all of your LTL shipments activity.

What's New

All the same data from our previous Shipments Table is still visible and accessible on the new look. We've streamlined the ways you can sort and filter information, and also added the following new features:

  • New: Sort on column level data (alphabetically or recent)

  • New: Combine multiple 'Sort' and 'Search' filters

Read on to learn more about how the new experience compares to our previous Shipments Table!

Quick Filter

Our new Quick Filter allows you to filter by the following criteria:

  • No Tracking

  • Running Late

  • Insured


Instead of limiting you to 14, 30, 60, or 90 days worth of viewable data, the new Shipments Table's default view now shows the most data based on your plan's data history limits. For example, Starter Plan customers will have all 60 days worth of their shipment data shown.

Please Note: The data shown in your Shipments Table is based on Date Booked, not the Pickup Date. For example, if you have a 60-day data limit, any shipments booked prior to 60 days ago will not show on the table.

Filtering by Date Range

If you would like to see shipments between a specific date range (within the parameters of your plan's data limits), use the Pickup Date filter and select your date range.


We've decluttered the Documents column on the new Shipments Table. Now, instead of different icons for your documents, simply click themenu to access available documents.

Shipment Type/Mode

We've streamlined how you filter by Shipment Type/Mode with a new dropdown menu.

Instead of the previous multi-select options at the top of the table, you can now use the Modes menu to filter by Shipment Type/Mode. Use the checkboxes to the left of each mode to select multiple modes.


We've updated the way you search in the new table. Use the search bar in the top right corner to search the following:

  • BOL #

  • PRO #

  • PO #

  • Shipper

  • Consignee

  • Destination

  • Origin


To search by origin, destination, or consignee name, use the Orig/Dest dropdown. From there, you can type in your search and choose from the suggested options.

Include consignees by typing their name and choosing from the suggested options.


You will now find all your carriers listed in the Carrier dropdown. To filter by carrier, simply select the relevant carrier(s) by clicking the checkbox to the left.


Similar to the new Shipment Type/Modes functionality, filtering by Status can now be done using the Status dropdown. You can multi-select using the checkboxes to the left.


Similar to the previous Shipments Table experience, simply click on the Status chip to view tracking details.

Insured Status

Instead of having it's own column, Insured Status is now included in the Rate column. Status of insurance will be indicated by the shield icons.

Questions & Feedback

If you'd like further instruction or have any feedback for us, please contact us using the in-app chat or reach us at [email protected]. Happy shipping!

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