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NetSuite Order Integration

Learn how the order integration between NetSuite and MyCarrier works

Colissa avatar
Written by Colissa
Updated over 6 months ago

The following document outlines the Order integration (Outbound & Inbound) between NetSuite and MyCarrier TMS.

Outbound Integration

Uploading an Order to MyCarrier from NetSuite

Start on the Item Fulfillment page.

After completing your Sales Order creation, click on the "Fulfill” button to generate your Item Fulfillment. On the Item Fulfillment page, migrate to the MyCarrier TMS tab

In the MyCarrier TMS tab, there are options for accessorial and pallet dimensions as well as freight markup charges that you can provide if needed, before generating your order in MyCarrier.

Once you are ready to generate the order, and the Item fulfillment is in “Picked” or “Packed” status, click on the Ready to Ship box in the MyCarrier TMS tab to complete the order upload to MyCarrier.

Once the order is validated and the transaction is sent to MyCarrier, the integration will automatically check off the Order Sent To MyCarrier box to indicate the order was successfully processed. If there are any issues, the integration will automatically check the Order Sent To MyCarrier Error box instead.

To access your order within the MyCarrier platform, simply log in to your account, navigate to the Quick Ship tab.

Choose the order (sorted by date) you wish to complete, and click the “Open” arrow icon.

Your order will appear in Steps 1-3 based on the amount of information provided from your NetSuite item fulfillment.

  • If you do not know your package dimensions, your order will appear in Step 1 so that you can add in any additional shipping details required to process the shipment through the carrier.

  • If you provide all package dimensions in NetSuite, you will be directed to Step 2 to select a carrier.

  • If you are utilizing our Rating integration in addition to the Order integration, and you pre-select a carrier in NetSuite, your order will get dropped into Step 3 to confirm and dispatch your shipment.

Inbound Integration

Shipping Details Written Back Into NetSuite from MyCarrier

Once your order has been booked within MyCarrier, your shipping details are populated within your NetSuite environment. This includes but is not limited to, the Bill of Lading (BOL), pallet labels, or tracking links. You can print the required documents using the links in NetSuite or manually from within the MyCarrier platform.

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