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NetSuite Rating Integration

How to request rates directly in NetSuite

Colissa avatar
Written by Colissa
Updated over 5 months ago

The MyCarrier integration for NetSuite connects MyCarrier to your NetSuite account and helps automate two main functions of the LTL shipping operations:

  • The ability to see LTL rates within a NetSuite record (Quote, Sales Order, or Item Fulfillment).

  • Transmitting shipping details to the MyCarrier TMS platform to dispatch the shipment from the MyCarrier system or auto-ship from NetSuite.

Rating from a NetSuite Quote, Sales Order, or Item Fulfillment

Depending on your business process, your integration will be configured to rate off of either the Quote object, the Sales Order object, or the Item Fulfillment object in NetSuite.

The following requirements must also be met:

  • All objects need to be in the "Open" Status when preparing to retrieve a rate

  • You must be in edit mode

Header Level Package Details

Click on the tab and enter your handling unit details.

Select any relevant accessorials to ensure your rate is accurate.

Once you've finished, you will want to check the checkbox labeled "Rate with MyCarrier" before clicking "Save".

Advanced Packing - MyCarrier Package

Click on the tab and navigate to the bottom of the page where it says "MyCarrier Package".

Open up the package customization window by clicking the "New MyCarrier Package" button.

Create your packages as required for each shipment. For example, each pallet designated on the Sales Order can be a package. This option allows you to customize your shipment details and send multiple commodities with varying weights, dims, and classes on the same shipment.

Once you've finished creating your packages, click "Save" to return to the Quote/Sales Order/Item Fulfillment page. At the bottom of the page below where you selected New MyCarrier Package, you should be able to add in the designated packages for your order and click "Add".

Highlighted fields are required

You must select any accessorials required under the header level handling details (see above). Once all packages and accessorials have been added, remember to check the checkbox labeled "Ready to Ship" before clicking "Save". The rating process will begin once you click the "Save" button.

MyCarrier will contact your carriers and pull in rates based on your shipment specifications. The rating process takes about 2 minutes to populate rates from MyCarrier to NetSuite. After the 2 minutes have elapsed, please refresh your NetSuite browser.

Navigate to the MyCarrier TMS tab and click on the MyCarrier Rating sub-tab. You should see a list of the available LTL rates.

If you wish to select a rate/carrier to be used for shipping, click the edit button/text next to the desired rate. This will open a new MyCarrier Rating page where you can click the “Selected Carrier” checkbox to choose a carrier.

If you select a rate within NetSuite, you can modify the carrier selection once the order is sent to MyCarrier, if required. Or, you can auto-dispatch the order with the rate/carrier selected in NetSuite.

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