MyInvoiceHub Analytics is available to MyInvoiceHub customers and offers a holistic view of audit and invoice activities in the form of pre-built, filterable reports. This data will help you identify trends in invoices that could lead to better quoting, influencing carrier conversations, and understanding patterns throughout your invoices.
Read on to learn more about the reports and how to use them.
Table of Contents
Navigating to MyInvoiceHub Analytics
To find the analytics, click the button at the top of the Invoice Table.
The Analytics tab is separated into four major categories: Invoice & Overcharge, Carrier Performance, Dispute/Approval Frequency, and Overcharge Frequency.
Filtering MyInvoiceHub Analytics
Filters can be found at the top right of the MyInvoiceHub Analytics dashboard. You can filter by time period or carrier. Once applied, these filters will be reflected on all the reports in the dashboard.
You can also select theicon to apply a filter to a specific report.
Total Invoices & Overcharges Report
The Invoice & Overcharges report shows your total invoices over a period of time compared to the number of invoices with an overcharge.
You can switch between # of Total Invoices and Dollar Amount of Invoices by using the toggle at the top right of the card.
How can I use this report?
Use this report to monitor overcharges and identify spikes. If you see a change of activity, use these insights to inform your carrier conversations.
Carrier Performance Report
The Carrier Performance report provides a high-level view of your invoice performance by carrier broken down by:
Total Invoices
Total Paid Invoices
Total Invoices in Dispute
Average Overcharge Amount
Total Orphan Invoices (invoices without a matching quote)
How can I use this report?
Use this report to further identify where you're experiencing orphan invoices. If you're using our ERP integration, find those invoices and use our invoice clone or matching features to ensure they make it to your ERP.
Use this report to prioritize your daily tasks and identify trends by carrier.
Dispute & Approval Frequency Report
This report provides a breakdown of the most frequent dispute reasons that appear in your freight audit activity.
You can switch between Disputes and Approvals by using the toggle at the top right of the card. Hovering over each reason will bring up a breakdown by carrier.
How can I use this report?
Get a better understanding of your dispute reasons, especially by carrier. Are you experiencing a lot of disputes due to Reweigh & Reclass? Is there a particular carrier that this is happening frequently with? Use this to inform your carrier conversations and quoting process.
Is your most frequent dispute reason really costing you the most money? Use this to uncover where your expenses really are going.
Overcharge Frequency Report
This report displays a breakdown of overcharges and the reasons why that overcharge occurred. You can switch between Invoices and Dollars by using the toggle at the top right of the card.
The cards to the right that provide a high-level overview of:
Overcharge Frequency
Avg. Overcharge per Invoice
Undercharge Frequency
Avg. Undercharge per Invoice
How can I use this report?
Understand the relationship between overcharges and frequency between carriers. Use these insights to inform carrier conversations and minimize financial impact of frequent overcharges.
Filter the dashboard by carrier to view averages on a per carrier basis.