Follow the instructions below to integrate SAIA LTL Freight with your MyCarrier account. Once integrated, you can compare rates and ship freight with SAIA LTL Freight.
SAIA LTL Freight will not integrate correctly if the wrong location is utilized in MyCarrier. Ensure the correct location is being utilized in MyCarrier and SAIA LTL Freight.
Connecting SAIA LTL Freight with MyCarrier
Go to and click on the "LOG IN" button at the top. This will provide you a pop-up that allows you to enter your SAIA credentials
Click on "QUOTE" in the center of the screen. This will provide a drop-down that allows you to click on "LTL"
When entering the quote page you will be prompted to select the account you would like to make LTL quotes. This will also give you the associated location for that account
Enter the account credentials and account number that you would like to integrate into MyCarrier
Please feel free to reach out to MyCarrier, at [email protected], if you have any questions.