Follow the instructions below to integrate TForce Freight with your MyCarrier account. Once integrated, you can compare rates and ship freight with TForce Freight.
TForce Freight will not integrate correctly if the wrong location is utilized in MyCarrier. Ensure the correct location is being utilized in MyCarrier and TForce Freight.
Connecting TForce Freight with MyCarrier
If you are utilizing Density pricing, You must slide the "Rating Type" over to Density before entering account information
Go to to start your integration process if you are starting a new account or re-authenticate.
Click 'Profile' at the top of the screen
Click 'Configure My Client'
Create authentication and then ensure your 'Display Name' is correct and type "MyCarrier Integration" into 'Description'
Use your username, account number, OAuth Secret, and Ouath Scope to integrate TForce into MyCarrier
Your Client ID is to the right of 'Client ID'
Your OAuth Client Secret is directly under 'Value'
Your OAuth Scope is to the right of 'Scope'
Your TForce account number is 6 digits long after the first part of the 'Metadata URL'
Please feel free to reach out to MyCarrier, at [email protected], if you have any questions.