You can follow the instructions below to integrate ABF Freight with your MyCarrier account. Once integrated, you can compare rates and ship freight with ABF Freight.
ABF Freight will not integrate correctly if the wrong location is utilized in MyCarrier. Ensure the correct location is being used in MyCarrier and ABF Freight.
Connecting ABF Freight with MyCarrier
To get your ABF Freight account number, reach out to your ABF Representative
To find your API ID enter your ABF Freight Credentials at
Once logged in, you can Click "MENU" at the top right of the screen. This will open up a tab allowing you to click on "Resources" and then "APIs"
Take the API ID and your account number from the next page and enter it into MyCarrier to fully integrate ABF Freight
Please feel free to reach out to MyCarrier, at [email protected], if you have any questions.