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FedEx Freight

How to integrate FedEx Freight on MyCarrier

Ireland Dunham avatar
Written by Ireland Dunham
Updated over 6 months ago

You can follow the instructions below to integrate FedEx Freight with your MyCarrier account. Once integrated, you can compare rates and ship freight with FedEx Freight.

FedEx Freight will not integrate correctly if the wrong location is utilized in MyCarrier. Ensure the correct location is being used in MyCarrier and FedEx Freight.

FedEx will not integrate correctly if the wrong location is utilized in MyCarrier. Ensure the correct location is being used in MyCarrier and FedEx.

Connecting FedEx Freight with MyCarrier

  1. Enter your FedEx Freight Credentials at

  2. Once logged in, you can click on your account name at the top of the screen. Next, click "My profile" then "Account Management". This will show you your accounts available to integrate with MyCarrier. You will need to copy this information down to continue into the integration process

  3. Next, go to to start collecting the rest of your credentials. Click "GET PRODUCTION KEY" in the middle of the screen to start

  4. Fill out the registration application as shown below

    5. Accept FedEx web services end-user agreement


    6. Input your FedEx Express account number, which should be a 9-digit number. Add your email address, which will be the email with your API Password that will be sent from FedEx. Verify you have the correct billing address entered that is linked to your Express account number

  5. Once you have applied, you will receive an email with the API password

  6. The authorization key and the Meter number will be provided to you on the FedEx website. Copy this information down, it will disappear if you move from the webpage

  7. Use the information collected, listed below, to integrate FedEx Freight into your MyCarrier account:

    1. Authorization key

    2. API Password

    3. Meter number

    4. Freight shipper account number

    5. Express account number

  8. The final step to complete your FedEx integration onto MyCarrier is enabling your meter number for shipping and pickup. This is required and set up through FedEx.

    To do this call FedEx web services (+1877-339-2774) and speak to a web services representative. Inform them that you need to enable your meter number for shipping and pickup.

    In the meantime, before this has been completed, you can start running your quotes and using the ‘Manual Dispatch’ button to create your Bill of Lading and Shipping labels. Just remember to call FedEx to set up the pickup information!

Please feel free to reach out to MyCarrier, at [email protected], if you have any questions.

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