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A. Duie Pyle

How to integrate A. Duie Pyle on MyCarrier

Ireland Dunham avatar
Written by Ireland Dunham
Updated over 6 months ago

You can follow the instructions below to integrate A. Duie Pyle with your MyCarrier account. Once integrated, you can compare rates and ship freight with A. Duie Pyle.

A. Duie Pyle will not integrate correctly if the wrong location is utilized in MyCarrier. Ensure the correct location is being used in MyCarrier and A. Duie Pyle.

A. Duie Pyle will not integrate correctly if the wrong location is utilized in MyCarrier. Ensure the correct location is being used in MyCarrier and A. Duie Pyle.

Connecting A. Duie Pyle with MyCarrier

  1. Enter your A. Duie Pyle Credentials at

  2. Once logged in, click on your account name at the top right. This drop-down will allow you to click on the "A. Duie Pyle Home"

  3. Next, click "Resources" and then "IT Support"

  4. Follow the API instructions to ensure that you have a username

  5. Once you have clicked on "MyPyle IT Support" you will be brought to the following page where you can click on "Rate Quote Web Service Request Form"

  6. Next, fill out the necessary information

  7. Use your A. Duie Pyle username, password, and account number to integrate A. Duie Pyle into your MyCarrier account

    1. For the account number - you must enter in "P1" in front of your account number.

      1. Example: Account number - 543210

      2. What you enter into MyCarrier - P1543210

Please feel free to reach out to MyCarrier, at [email protected], if you have any questions.

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